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Wi-Fi Site Survey, Troubleshoot, Optimize, Simulate


Many network problems can't be detected even by the smartest of Wi-Fi controllers. With Wi-Fi Site Survey you will spots these unseen problems easily. With the Site Survey Software administrators can fix broken or misconfiguerd access points, find undetected rogue access points, detect missing SSIDs and security settings, identify and minimize signal leakage, and discover coverage holes. 

Wireless Network Site Survey has an integrated automatic planner that creates multi-floor Wi-Fi network plan based on your requirements. The software will calculate the optimal number of access pont locations and confiugrations. If a wireless network is already in place, the Wi-Fi software will perform quick and easy site surveys, analysis, optimization and troubleshooting. The Hybrid Wi-Fi Site Survey makes passive and active tests, the software simultaneously measures and maps Wi-Fi airspace as well as end-to-end connectivity. Wireless Network Site Survey software makes in-depth network analysis easy with accurate color-coded heat maps, including signal strength, data rate, packet loss, roaming, overlap and various other characteristic available for use. 

The Wi-Fi software includes on the spot and map based troubleshooting and can find Wi-Fi issues such as:

  • Rogue Access Points
  • Misconfigured SSIDs
  • Missing security configs
  • Packet loss, high latency
  • Excessive interference

Key Features

  • Full 802.11n support, as well as 802.11a/b/g 
  • Automated off-site 3D network planning 
  • Hybrid Site Surveys, Simultaneous passive and active surveys
  • Comprehensive planning and analysis of wireless capacity
  • GPS assisted automated outdoor site surveys 
  • Spectrum Analysis detects and locates non-WiFi interference
  • Crystal clear analysis, troubleshooting and optimization 
  • Seamless network expansion planning 
  • Comprehensive, automated, customizable report generation 
  • Intergration with Real-Time Location Tracking System 
  • Integration with Cisco WCS and Avaya WMS
  • Integrates with various Wi-Fi tools for smartphones and tablets
  • Comprehensive tools for RTLS network planning and accuracy analysis


If you are looking for more information or advice on which product would suit you or your company best, contact us.

Comm-Co BV
Kreekzoom 9 4561 GX Hulst
Tel : +31114 370030
Fax : +31 114 370029
E-Mail : info<at>comm-co.com

Comm-Co BV

Kreekzoom 9 4561 GX Hulst
Tel : +31114 370030
E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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