Zone 0 intrinsically safe remote computer terminal display
The IntecPC ExPC is a zone 0 compliant remote computer terminal display which includes a keyboard designed for use in the most extreme environments where the source of ignition must be protected against. The IntecPC ExPC is the ultimate ATEX Display, a single multi-core cable links to an interface and standard computer in the safe area.
Through a combination of encapsulation and intrinsically safe design, the ATEX Remote Computer Display can provide full PC functionality, whilst being able for use in the most extreme Ex conditions where flammable atmospheres are highly likely to be present. Alongside ATEX certification, North American FM and International IECEx standards have also been achieved for the ATEX Display.
The stainless steel cased display and custom QWERTY membrane keyboard with integral trackball mouse are located in the hazardous area, with only a single cable connection required to connect the ATEX Terminal Display and the interface unit in the safe area. This makes for straightforward installation and provides a standard connections compatible with most PCs and peripherals, such as printers and networks.
The full colour display can be used with gloved hands, and is fitted with a through glass touch screen that is highly resistant to impact damage and resistive to most common chemicals. Ingress protection is IP 54 with optional IP 67.