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Inhouse Localization-Based Solutions

For localing people, the common used technology was GPS, which stands for Global Positioning System. This used to work good outside, but indoors / in buildings this technology is very outdated, because concrete prevents the GPS signal from being able to locate the target as accurate as possible.

Nowadays, there's an solution for that. This new technology combines two signals to get the best location: the location via your celluar signal, and the WiFi-based location. This technology requires that the building that the target is in, is fitted with multiple access points, so that all of the access points can together give you the most accurate location.

This technology also makes use of an cloud-based API, with an huge database of known locations.

This technology can also be used to help you with asset management. When this technology is fitted in your building, you can put active WiFi tags on your assets. As soon as an asset is moved, for example someone is trying to steale something, you'll get an alert that your asset has changed from position. This way, you'll get much better control of your assets.

This technology is worldwide available, and is also available in ATEX (Class 1, Div 1), IECex, and Intrinsically Safe.

For more information about this new Inhouse Localization-Based Solution, please feel free to contact us by filling in our contactform. You call also call us at +31 (114) 370030.

Comm-Co BV

Kreekzoom 9 4561 GX Hulst
Tel : +31114 370030
E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Rabobank Hulst 330487701
IBAN: NL37 RABO 0330 4877 01
BTW NR: NL823684568B01
K.v.K: 50329251

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