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Narrowcasting Solutions

While Narrowcasting becomes more and more important these days, Comm-Co has an ready-to-use solution for you. We have an unique soluiton for Narrowcasting, also known as Digital Signage.

Hosted or Self-Hosted
You can choose between an hosted solution, where you upload, prepare and design all of your content on our hosted server. From this server, you can distribute the content to many screens and devices.

You can also choose to put all of the content on your own server, from this server you can distribute all of you content to many screens and devices, over - for example - an VPN connection.

Screens and devices
Your content can be displayed almost everywhere, on almost every device.

  • Regular TV Display
  • SmartTV
  • All kinds of notebooks (OSX, Windows, Linux)
  • Apple iPad, iPhone
  • Android tablets and phones
  • Webviewer


Because of the huge posibilities of the system, it can be deployed almost everywhere. Some examples of use:

  • Restaurant showing their menu on huge displays
  • Company's giving their workers instructions
  • Company's giving their customers information
  • Digital ad at busstop


Remote Update
The content can always be updated from every location on the world. You can update the content for each display appart, or for all displays at once. Ofcourse you can also make a selection of displays to update. Updating the content can be done from your PC or Notebook, but can also be done from your smartphone.

The displays are even available without an active internet connection, as soon as the content is available in the cache memory, no internet connection is required anymore.


Comm-Co can help you from begin to start with Narrowcasting. If you are interested in a Narrowcasting solution, please do not hestiate to contact us. You can call us at +31 (114) 37003, or fill in our contactform.

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Comm-Co BV

Kreekzoom 9 4561 GX Hulst
Tel : +31114 370030
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Rabobank Hulst 330487701
IBAN: NL37 RABO 0330 4877 01
BTW NR: NL823684568B01
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