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The Laser Distance Meter Explained

The Laser Distance Meter Explained

A laser distance meter sends a pulse of laser light to the set target and measures the time it takes for the pulse to return. The CorDEX ATEX Lasermeter 3000XP can measure distances up to 30m with an accuracy of +/- 3mm. A Lasermeter has on-board processing allowing the device to calculate, add, substract volumes and to triangulate.

An ATEX Laser Distance Meter sends out a finely focussed pulse of light to the target and detects the reflection time. The Lasermeter 3000XP measures the time between those two evens and converts this to a distance. The formula used for measuring the distance is Distance = (Speed x Time). However the speed of light is 300,000 km per second, so to resolve differences of (say) 1 cm, the meter must measure time intervals of the order of billionths of a second.

A Laser distance meter is accurate within a few millimetres and the measuring is done within a few seconds. The ATEX Lasermeter 3000XP has a backlit display and laser dot which allows the ATEX Laser Distance Meter to be used in poor lighting conditions.

The ATEX LaserMETER 3000XP, an explosion-proof laser distance meter ATEX-certified for use within a Zone 1 IIC T4 hazardous (explosive) area and CSA-certified for use within Class 1 Division 1 B, C, D hazardous (explosive) area. 

 Click here for more information on the ATEX Laser Meter 3000XP

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