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TomTom Bandit - New Action Cam Competitor!

A new competitor on the action cam market!

TomTom has recently announced their newest product, the TomTom Bandit.
The Bandit is an action cam that can record video from a smooth 2.7K resolution, to making high quality 16MP pictures.

You might be thinking, does it really compete with other action cams on the market?

TomTom Bandit


The short answer?

The Bandit is definately a competitor to look out for.

There's some kinks that need to be smoothed out, but this can certainly be done in future updates, or newer models.

Currently, one issue is that there's only an IPhone app to make the videos. 
Android users will have to wait, but this is something that will obviously be changed in the future.

There's also a little hitch when recording video at 4K, as the device can't record more then 15 FPS;
Something that you might want when filming action-packed scenes.

Next to these relatively small things, the Bandit definately competes in some other areas, and even shines in places other action cams never even touched.
Seeing as the developer is TomTom, it's logical to think they'd fit some GPS magic in the device,
and they did.

They combined their knowledge of GPS tracking with the functions of the action cam.

This way, you can record your GPS location, speed, acceleration, and (if you have a heart-rate monitor), even check how intense your exersise was while making the video.

Next to this, you can get accessories that allow recording under water up to 50 metres, 
though it's a little dissapointing these accessories don't come in the box already.

A fully accessorized version will be available at a later time.


Check the Ruggedshop to get a list of all the specs!

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