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Traintalk GSM-R Railway Mobile Solutions

TrainTalk sets a new standard for cost-efficient and reliable railway communication. As a global system for mobile communications and with a 2W system, instead of 8W, the GSM-R offers quick and flexible installation for engines and other vehicles throughout the railway industry and offers quick and flexible installation for engines and other vehicles throughout the railway area. It is designed for easy installations in existing or new engine fleets. The GMS-R allows railway operators to invest in a single, convenient handheld device that provides acces to the private GSM-R railway networks.

Call Forwarding and charger for GSM-R

Charger and call forwarding mixed in the same device is an excellent description of our latest invention CH2000.
The new CH2000 is a reliable way of forwarding calls between cradle and handheld. When the cabin radio recognizes a new handheld in the cradle, the cradle automatically sends the phone number to the 8W cab radio system. The phone number is saved in the cab radio memory as long as the handheld is in use with this specific cradle.

When the handheld is in portable use and detached from the cradle, the phone number is forwarded to the handheld and stays in memory even outside the cabin area! This unique call forwarding feature gives more flexibility in daily use, but is of great help in emergency situations outside the cabin area. The CH2000 together with the cabin radio system constantly check the active handheld to avoid that phone numbers get mixed, for example when the staff in the cabin shifts.

For More Information Contact Us:

Comm-Co BV
Kreekzoom 9 4561 GX Hulst
Tel : +31114 370030
Fax : +31 114 370029
E-Mail : info<at>comm-co.com


Comm-Co BV

Kreekzoom 9 4561 GX Hulst
Tel : +31114 370030
E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Rabobank Hulst 330487701
IBAN: NL37 RABO 0330 4877 01
BTW NR: NL823684568B01
K.v.K: 50329251

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