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Wavecom Fastrack Supreme new

De nieuwe Wavecom Fastrack Supreme is een nieuwe reeks in programmeerbare Plug & Play apparaten dat het begrip aanpassing een nieuwe betekenis geeft. Met een open standaard expansie poort om extra connecties of opties toe te voegen Plus dat Wavecom Fastrack Supreme draait standaaard embedded C applicaties op de Draadloze CPU die in de zich in de Wavecom Fastrack zit natively.

Plug & Play bereikt het volgende level
De Wavecom Fastrack Supreme: Detzelfde geavanceerde Plug & Play factor net zoals de voorgaande Fastrack producten, met een heleboel nieuwe opties die je applicaties met gemak de toekomst in liften. Dat is zo omdat de Wavecom Fastrack Supreme ontworpen is met een revolutionaire open standaard Interne Expansie Socket waar je een expansie kaart van wavecom of van uwzelf in kan steken.

Krachtige kern applicatie verwerking
Elke Wavecom Fastrack Supreme bevat een Wavecom Q26-famillie Draadloze CPU: een krachtige CPU met een ARM9 32-bit, 26-1024MHz kern.

Open AT Real-Time OS
Het besturingssysteem van de Wavecom Fastrack Supreme geeft ontwikkelaars de optie om hun programma uit te voeren met minimale processor belasting en minimale footprint. Tot 87MIPS is voor u beschikbaar1

Globale draadloze connectiviteit
Met een internet connectiviteit tot meer dan 600 GSM/GPRS en EDGE netwerken wereldwijd, plus 3G en HSDPA in de toekomst biedt de Wavecom Fastrack Supreme de ultieme en globale connectiviteit.

Fastrack Supreme – Another Plug&Play GSM/GPRS microcontroller build on base Q2686 module. It acts as a wireless CPU in system which control peripheral devices like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi transceivers and GPS receiver. RTOS system and Open AT environment allow to design advanced M2M platform with practically zero costs on the beginning. Additional feature are Wavecom expansion cards IESM: IO expansion with mini USB connectivity; GPS and USB, or IO expansion, GPS and USB.

It contains 15 pin serial connector with transmission speed detection, SMA antenna connector and power supply connector with 2 GPIO lines. I/O connectivity can be expand using IESM cards so actually we have:

• SIM card holder 3V
• 1x RS232 + 1 using IESM
• USB 2.0 using IESM
• I2C and SPI bus using IESM
• ADC interface using IESM
• 2 analogue audio
• 2 GPIO + 5 using IESM
Microcontroller supports set of AT commands and enables control through embedded OPEN AT application. Embedded TCP/IP stack is available through set of AT commands. Possibility of controlling by embedded application makes Fastrack a very advanced and flexible device for different applications.

Europe France : Wavecom introduced the new Fastrack Supreme Wireless CPU®. This Plug & Play family product evolution keeps the same versatile form factor as the previous Fastrack product packed with a host of new features that will carry customer applications well into the future.

In order to better serve its customers, Wavecom launched a survey on the future of the Fastrack product in June of 2006, the first in what the company expects to be a standard part of customer-focused product planning for the future. Overwhelming response focused on several key needs, all of which are addressed in the Fastrack Supreme.

Customers revealed the need for additional input/output (IO) options and enhanced expandability for optional features. In response, Wavecom has developed an exciting new, open-standard Internal Expansion Socket (IES) interface for customers to add additional IO connectivity or features like GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee and more. The open interface means customers are able to develop their own expansion modules and customize the product for their specific requirements. Or, they can look to Wavecom for new expansion modules designed to address their most-pressing needs. With the new Fastrack Supreme, Wavecom also announces three such options: one for IO expansion with mini USB connectivity; one with GPS functionality and USB; and one with IO expansion, GPS functionality and USB. Wavecom expects to offer additional optional expansion modules in the future in direct response to customer needs.

The Fastrack Supreme Wireless CPU® also features Wavecoms Open AT® Software Suite offering Real-Time native execution of embedded C applications plus download-over-the-air (DOTA) capabilities for simple, cost-effective upgrades and maintenance, compatible with the recently announced Remote Device Management Service (RDMS) from Wavecom. Open AT® enables developers to fully embed their software application inside Fastrack Supreme and as a direct consequence reduce product design, material and after-sale costs.

In addition, the survey revealed customers strong attachment to existing form factor and interfaces as well as a progression from GPRS to EDGE and on to 3G and HSDPA all of which are incorporated in the rugged new product design. The first to be available are the Fastrack Supreme 10, supporting GPRS, and Fastrack Supreme 20, supporting EDGE.

Fastrack Supremes unique value radiates from its ability to be customized not only by Wavecom but by our customers, too, in terms of both hardware and software a true first in the industry, said Philippe Guillemette, Wavecom Chief Technology Officer & VP Marketing. But we are even more proud of the fact that this product is a direct response to our customers wants and needs. We are intent on continued dialogue with our customers in order to consistently deliver the most-innovative, best tailored solutions on the market.

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